
Amy Butler: "Once a gypsy . . . always a gypsy."

So, have you heard? Gypsy Caravan is being reprinted!

From Amy's Facebook Page:
"This is where it all began . . . I'll never forget the magic from this time . . . and it just keeps getting better & better. It's one of the best adventures of my life. Once a gypsy . . . always a gypsy."

"This collection is an edited, yummy selection of my favorite 24 pieces . . . the hand and feel of the fabric and the delicious spirited colors make me super happy!"

From Amy Butler's Facebook fan page

From Amy Butler's Facebook fan page

From Amy Butler's Facebook fan page

The most recent e-mail I read about this new release says that it is due out in April. I will be excited to see the fresh reprint! I have always loved the line and have been afraid to cut into my cherished stash ever since I overpaid for it on ebay. I just hope that the quality of the substrate will be as fine as the original printing.

Here's my little stash . . .
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I must say that all of these fresh reprints of old, loved prints have me excited and a little bit frustrated. I started sewing just as Flea Market Fancy, Gypsy Caravan, and Fresh Cut were dwindling on the quilt shop shelves. While I loved them then, I didn't know what I was doing and didn't buy nearly enough of any one line since I was just starting out with the sewing. Then, after I got a little more into it, I was one of those crazy ladies who paid an exorbitant amount for those lines on ebay and Etsy in order to just have enough to make some small items. Now, I'm kicking myself for paying out the nose for them because they are back and I still haven't cut into my cherished stash!

Anyone else having a love-hate relationship with the whole trend of issuing reprints?

Now . . . with that said, I will just add that if FreeSpirit decided to reprint Anna Maria Horner's Bohemian and Kokka decided to reprint Amy Butler's Forest . . . well, they'd hear no complaints from me!


Splendorfalls said...

I honestly had no idea the Gypsy line was so popular. When I saw it was being reprinted it kind of suprised me, but I just must be out of the loop! What is AB Forest? I've not heard of that one at all!

Holly said...

I'm hoping that some of the reprints will inspire me to cut into precious fabrics in my stash. There is really no point in having them if they are not used...but there are some prints that are almost as painful to cut into as my own fingers!

Please, please, please let them reprint Good Folks by Anna Maria Horner...I am almost out!

Darcy said...

Yes yes and yes! It makes me nuts in some ways that my much cherished and extremely over-paid for Flea Market Fancy stash will be worth practically nothing when the reprints hit but I guess that's just the price of love ;) I'll definitely be interested to see if the quality is the same...

Susan said...

Wow! I havent seen it, but i want it!