
A sweet little surprise

I just checked my spam folder to discover that I'd missed a couple of reader comments recently. So, if you asked a question and I haven't responded . . . I will be getting back to you shortly!

However, I received a sweet little surprise from A. J. Dub at Harriet Homemaker Strikes Again today and I am so honored to have someone mention to their readers that they like my blog. I'm blushing. I really am.

A. J. sent me a little blogging award today for blogs below the 300+ follower mark. A little treat for those of us who don't blog as regularly or are less known—but who still inspire and, as A. J. put it, have as much fun and joy as those with a larger following. So, now that I've been tagged I am supposed to tag 3–5 others who I also feel deserve this little honor. Please go check out the work of these lovely ladies:

Splendorfalls Sews
Rinse. Repeat.
The Joy Cottage
30 and Quilting

There are so many more of you who deserve this award, too. You all inspire me beyond belief.

So, now, if you've been tagged here and you wish to accept your award, please grab this tag and place it on your blog and link back to here and to 3–5 others you'd like to share the love with and then let them know they've been tagged. I hope you'll play along!

Thanks for recognizing me, A.J. That was a really special treat!


Splendorfalls said...

Oh cool!

Thanks Alecia!!

bethany said...

Aww...you are so sweet! :) It's always such a nice treat when someone says they enjoy your words, isn't it? :)

Thanks for making my day!