Two beautiful babies were brought into the world last week and are seriously blessed with amazing women as their mothers. I got to spend a little bit of time at lunch with both mommies-to-be about a week before their boys were born and in that brief time of fellowship, I realized how much I really want to be a mom, too. Despite the discomfort these two women were feeling being so close to their due dates, you could just feel the love all around.
While these two friends may not be a part of my everyday life any more—one left my place of work last fall because one of our magazines ceased it's print publication and the other left more recently to focus on her budding family—they have both left a lasting impression on my life. So, thank you Ashley and Rebecca and God bless your very new families.
So, maybe this post refers to the precious gift of life in these two baby boys or maybe it's referring to the precious gift of friendship...or, maybe it's referring to the precious little gifts I passed on to Ashley and Rebecca at our lunch a couple weeks ago. While I'd wanted to make both of them beautiful "follow-the-lines" baby quilts, I wasn't able to finish them in time. So, I embellished some baby onesies with some of my favorite fabrics. They turned out so sweet and I was very pleased with this little gift. What made it even more sweet, is that my husband Chris really loved them and has been on me about making some more to put away for our future. So, for the time being, I have a small stack of fabric and babie onesies in my living room waiting to be put to good use on a night when I'm not busy doing other important things...

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